Energy Healing Lebanon | Energy Healer Dubai | Open The Eye Of All I’s
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What We Do

Open the Eye of All I’s

Activate the Synergistic Mysteries of Intellect and Intuition

What if you could tap into the wisdom of the ages and change your life? How can you rise above your stress-filled environment whether at home or at work, or both? Maybe you see others who are happy, content and enjoying their lives. You may have wondered, What’s their secret?


At last, Sara shares her years of personal, science-based and metaphysical studies. Wrapped into one volume, Open the Eye of All I’s outlines Sara’s practices, methods and processes that have worked well for not only Sara personally, but also for many others. With this information, Sara’s keys of tailored implementation, and practice you will:

Enjoy a prevalent sense of inner peace.
Gain a deeper self-awareness.
Resolve problems and challenges more effectively.
See your life, your purpose and your environment with new clarity.


This one of a kind manual is not available except through Sara’s personalized program. To get your copy of this eye opening program, choose your package and schedule your sessions with Sara today.

Make your first Move in the game against the Unknown.

Choose your path from one of our packages below:

I have a problem

“I want to be happy in my home, workplace, and relationships.”

I have a curiosity

“Is there more to life than this? I’m curious and interested in exploring ‘the unknown’ and acquiring more peace and fulfillment in my life.”

I have a mission

“I help others in their personal development. I play a role in bringing transformation to my family, community, organization or business, my government or in the world.”

The Packages:

I have a problem

“I want to be happy in my home, workplace, and relationships.”


After consulting with Sara, begin accessing your personal higher state through transformative consciousness coaching. You will gain insight by implementing the self-awareness practices curated for you, attaining deep inner peace and crystal clarity. These reduce stress and foster resilience by transforming your relationship to all situations in your life. Transcend any circumstance with Sara’s Magic Key to synergy between your inner and outer worlds. Her compassion will put you at ease and facilitate your ability to achieve resolution.

Your breakthrough awaits.


The Solution #1 consists of:

  • 4-week program
  • 6 coaching hours
I have a curiosity

“Is there more to life than this? I’m curious and interested in exploring ‘the unknown’ and acquiring more peace and fulfillment in my life.”


This intensified level offers even more synergy using the 360˚ Life Concept Model, which helps you discover the essence of why you are here and unravel Your Life Concept in just a few weeks. Receive sharp focus and direction for your life going forward—clarity about who you are, why you are here, and your mission for this life. Using ancient and modern techniques, Sara’s unique blend of unconventional practices helps you transform your life and achieve spiritual elevation that leads to self-satisfaction. Her instructions guide seekers to sustainable positive change and for clarity regarding what matters most. She can help you activate your inner feature, leading you to a more balanced and meaningful life. Tame your depression or impatience and find self-satisfaction. Be enlightened and brighten your perception of your environment. Sara provides keys to the knowledge you seek.


The Solution #2 consists of:

  • 8-week program
  • 12 coaching hours
I have a mission

“I help others in their personal development. I play a role in bringing transformation to my family, community, organization or business, my government or in the world.”


This highest level of Sara’s coaching is popular with coaches, executives, public officials, parents, teachers, and healers. Sara’s guidance will lead you to transcend your practices and impart “Life Mastery”. This is accomplished through a progression of techniques from self-discovery to inner balance to transcendence and expansion of consciousness. Each step is designed to help you achieve alignment between your thoughts, words, and deeds. Subsequently, this helps you tap into:

Your boundless potential

Unshakable self-confidence

A higher level of intelligence


When you are perfectly congruent, you will successfully bring out the best in yourself and help transform those closest to you whether family members, partners, clients, and colleagues.


Sara guides you to transformation through connecting your body and mind to the Universal Mind. Through her compassion and expertise, you’ll no longer struggle against your difficulties and challenges; you will face them and your purpose in life with new clarity, equipped to face any situation. Your ability to positively impact the lives of others, strengthen your leadership, and transcend your practices is just one click away.

Now is the time to make the difference you feel called to make.


The Solution #3 consists of:

  • 12-week program
  • 18 coaching hours

How We Do It

What each package includes?

Each session, whether virtual or in person, is 90 minutes except for Sara’s free introductory consultation.


Choosing where you wish to experience Sara’s coaching:  virtually in the privacy of your home or office through live call / Zoom / Skype.


A 360˚ Life Concept Model manual which contains innovative self-discovery techniques, lessons and mind expansion assignments. The manual helps you keep track of the lessons, and begin putting into practice what you learn in each coaching session.


Along with practicing self-awareness techniques, you will engage in private, mindfulness journaling. This helps you to create your own personalized 360 Life Concept Map and A Life’s Anchor Canvas.  At the end of the program, it is yours to keep.


As a special bonus, Sara includes 30-minute sessions of Reconnective Energy Healing worth $600, in addition to her unique program.