Self Transformation & Discovery | FAQ | Sara Yehya
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Q: Who can join the program?
Any man or woman seeking wisdom and aspiring to discover his/her own universal nature or wishing to lay claim their joy and peace.


Q: My schedule is pretty full, what can I do?
You work hard and deserve to claim 90 minutes out of a week for self-care.
We’re convinced that when you learn what you’ve been missing, you’ll make it a priority.

Q: Must I be a coach or leader to take part in these sessions?

It is not necessary, but could potentially impact others in your sphere of influence.


Q: Will this course help me achieve alignment and balance?
If you are intentional and practice the methods regularly you will indeed succeed and likely go beyond where ultimate peace resides.


Q: Does this program require a lot of book study?
We have compiled a curriculum to follow during the program. It covers key principles, processes and methods and will be yours to keep as reference. There are no additional books to buy and the curriculum is included in your session package.


Q: How can I get more information regarding how to enroll in the program?
Text  or Email your questions to We will be happy to answer any questions.


Q: Can I participate even if I live outside the United States?
Thanks to amazing modern technology, we’re just a click away. We will provide access to the curriculum through downloadable chapters and you can meet Sara virtually on a weekly basis at no additional cost. Book your complementary consultation. Sign up on and we’ll be in touch.


Q: Is it possible to go through the program from my home or private office?
Absolutely! You can go through the program from the comfort of your chosen environment. Sign up on to learn more.