Spiritual Mentoring Dubai, Lebanon | Spiritual Awakening | Sara Yehya
Sara Yehya, well known for spiritual mentoring in Lebanon and Dubai. Sara discovered her deep longing to make positive changes in humanity, contact her for Spiritual Awakening.
Spiritual Mentoring, Spiritual Mentoring Dubai, Spiritual Awakening Dubai, Spiritual Mentoring Lebanon
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Meet Sara

Sara Yehya is as strong as resilient as the Cedars near where she grew up, a beautiful village in the mountains of Lebanon. Despite her tremendous love for her country, she feels a strong connection to the whole planet. She once asked her father, “Why can’t we live like nomads?” Her interest in meditation began at an early age under her mother’s tutelage. Both of her parents were school teachers and valued education. Even though Sara believes that Nature is our primary school, at 9 years of age, she felt inspired enough to begin reading about philosophers and spiritual masters.


At age 20 she landed a great job with the UN which allowed her to work as a humanitarian, helping countries and governing bodies fight poverty and protect their natural resources. She loved working in a corporate setting with a global vision. But soon, she would join her husband and twin boys to live in Dubai.


From the calm, romantic green visage to the sophisticated urban city in the desert, Sara felt torn between the two, and she developed a sort of love/hate relationship with Dubai. Scenery wasn’t the only change. She took a job in the private sector, working as a business development manager. Switching from a public organization with global goals to smaller more focused work proved a challenge. But, through that, Sara discovered her mental resilience and flexibility. Sara successfully transitioned and attributes her achievement to her spiritual development and practices which came naturally to her.


Sara discovered her deep longing to make positive changes in humanity and—most specifically—in individual lives. She found it deeply fulfilling and satisfying to help others become healthier, happier and more at peace and to reach their goals. Sara became keenly aware of the effect that intense anxiety, high stress and fast-paced living was having on her colleagues and friends. In contrast, they noticed that she was unflustered, enjoying her life. Ultimately, her unwavering sense of balance and peace drew the attention of colleagues and managers and the vocation to which she was called.


“Everyone wanted to know how I maintained such a high level of positive energy, staying calm and joyful despite working a full time job, being a wife and mother of three kids while balancing a social life.” Because of her high level of acceptance, compassion, and understanding, she began sharing her insights, practices and tips with them. They began feeling better. Their eyes were opened to a new perspective and life concepts.

Additionally, she noticed a ripple effect: the environment in which she worked was being transformed. “I walk my talk and have effective techniques that help people feel immediate change. I’ve shared my techniques with friends, family and my colleagues everywhere I’ve been. I don’t preach anything that I can’t achieve or live myself.”
Suddenly, everybody began telling her the same thing: “You should be doing nothing but helping people to find their peace.”


As a child of two teachers, it may have been inevitable that Sara would choose a closely related field: Mentoring. Friends of friends began contacting Sara to meet weekly. When they began achieving profound change and happiness, Sara decided to get certified in coaching and healing.


Sara studied the human mind and brain under experts in the field, and traveled to India to gain deeper insight to the practice of consciousness and mediation. She’s constructed her insights from the faith and religions of ancient civilizations: Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. Now with certification in Reconnective Energy healing, Life Coaching and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Sara has a deeper understanding of how these practices connect with what she has practiced since she was very young.


However, Sara’s vision is still global. While she works mainly healers, coaches, parents, and managers she desires to connect to the others who may need her insights, but don’t live nearby. By offering teaching, self-awareness techniques, stories and Q&A on-line, she hopes to expand her reach and offer help to many more.


Join her on to receive daily inspirations, insights and practices or click here to schedule your session.